Critiquing Art
Why do we critique art?
When we critique the work of others, we not only offer helpful suggestions but we also learn to find things that can be applied to our own work.
Critiquing art is a way to learn to see the artwork of others and have others see our Work objectively.
See Think Wonder
Steps for a critique
1 Gather basic information about the work.
Title of the work
Artist’s name
When the piece was created
Where it was made
The types of media used to create the work (e.g., oil paint on canvas)
The exact size of the work
2 Analyzing the work
2. Describe what you see. Using neutral terms, describe the artwork. Your description should include things like the form and scale of the work. If the art depicts figures or objects rather than abstract shapes, describe what is represented
3. Discuss the elements of the work. Now describe the work in more detail. Talk about the way the art uses these five basic elements of art and design: line, color, space, light, and shape
Describe the use of line. Lines in a work of art can be either literal or implied. Different types of lines can create different moods or effects
Talk about how color is used in the work. Make note of characteristics like hue (red, green, blue, etc.), value (lightness or darkness), and intensity. Look at overall color schemes, and think about how the colors work together
Describe the use of space in the work. "Space" refers to the areas around and between objects in a work. When talking about space, focus on things like depth and perspective, overlapping of objects, and the use of empty space versus space crowded with details
Describe the use of light in the work. Light in a work of art can look warm or cool, bright or dim, natural or artificial. Take a little time to talk about the role of light and shadow in the work
Make note of the way shape is used in the work. Are the shapes in the work geometric, with straight lines and perfect curves, or are they more natural? Is the work dominated by any one particular type of shape, or do you see a variety of different shapes?
Discuss how the work uses the principles of composition. Once you have described the work, it’s time to analyze it, or discuss how it all comes together. Start by talking about how the work is composed, keeping a few basic ideas in mind. For example:[8]
Balance: How do the colors, shapes, and textures in the piece work together? Do they create a balanced or harmonious effect, or is the piece imbalanced in some way?
Contrast: Does the work make use of contrasting colors, textures, or lighting? Contrast can also be found in the use of different shapes or contours, like jagged versus curved lines, or geometric versus natural shapes.
Movement: How does the work create a sense of movement? Is your eye drawn through the composition in a particular way?
Proportion: Do the sizes of the different elements in the work appear the way you would expect, or are they surprising? For example, if the work shows a group of people, do any of the figures look larger or smaller than they would in real life?
Questions to ask yourself about art
When was the piece created?
What events were happening in the world at the time the piece was created?
Where is the piece located?
How is the location of the piece significant?
What is the subject matter?
Who is the artist?
What was this artist known for?
What colors are prominent throughout the piece?
Where can you see movement being represented?
How does the piece feel balanced or unbalanced?
Where are there areas of high or low contrast?
Which shapes do you see represented?
What media was used to create it?
What equipment would have been needed to create it?
How long do you think it would have taken the artist to create it?What challenges does this type of media pose?
Why do you think this media was chosen for this piece?
If the piece you are looking at is a sculpture, how would you represent it as a painting (or vice versa)?
Is the style of the piece realistic, abstract, or something else?
Would the piece have the same impact if it were done in a different style? Why or why not?
Can you see brushstrokes? What kind of energy do they have?
Is the sculpture smooth or rough? How is this important?
Is the piece to scale or is it smaller/bigger? How does this change the way you feel? If it were bigger or smaller, would it change the impact of the piece?
What is the piece doing? Does it tell a story? Evoke a feeling? Document an event? Present an idea?
What do you think the artist was feeling?
How does it make you feel?
What emotions are captured in the piece? If there are people in the piece, what are their expressions?
What parts of the piece make you feel the way you do?
Does the piece bring to mind any of your own life events or memories?
How has your opinion changed about this piece from the time you started looking at it until now?
How does this relate to future needs in life or current interests
how is it related to curriculum
how is it related to current events
How does it relate to other curricula
what does this mean to you
how does it astethics effect you and your vision of art or life
does this inspire you?
what was your initial reaction to this art
what relationships do you see in this art ( art movement, daily life, other artwork you are familiar)
What is the purpose of this art